Waste not, want not…

We’re all acutely aware of the impact our modern life is having on the environment and in turn natural resources.

Recycling and sustainability are commonplace terms these days and an ever present issue on the global political and economic agenda.

Whilst we all do our bit, if just extracting the recyclable materials from our domestic waste to deposit in our green wheelie bins, it’s always interesting to find out what initiatives and actions are being taken at corporate and industrial scales. That’s where businesses like Minore come into their own.

Minore are an innovative waste management services provider based in Yorkshire. They find innovative solutions to complex material treatment problems within the waste recycling, aggregates & mineral processing sectors. And herein lies the problem – technicality! Whilst Minore understand exactly what they do, and how it all works, and the value to both their customers and the environment, making it accessible to their customers was something they needed help with.

After immersing ourselves in Minore’s world, we began to understand both the industry and value of what they did. Such is the innovation within Minore it became clear that we needed to not only rebrand and reposition the business itself, but also brand and position the process itself. We called it – Repurposing, and built a clear understanding of the process, it’s commercial and environmental values and tangible incentives and returns for the customer.

Visit: www.minore.co.uk