A fresh digital presence for Rushbond

Respected Leeds property developer, Rushbond is known for its forward-thinking approach to property development and investment.

Having created an online presence for them in 2012, it was time for more than just a refresh, but an evolution of their site. We needed to capture the company’s ethos while aligning with contemporary design trends and user expectations.

The all-new Rushbond website we created was a testament to the evolution of both the company and our creative strategies. The result was a compelling virtual gateway, providing visitors with a seamless and immersive experience into Rushbond and its values, as well as its diverse portfolio.

Karl Lakin, Founder of ONFIRE AGENCY, was excited about our collaboration with Rushbond and what it achieved, stating, "Our partnership with Rushbond is one built on creativity, innovation, and a shared vision for impactful digital representation. The new website not only reflects the evolution of Rushbond over the years, but also incorporates cutting-edge design and functionality to engage and captivate users."

The new website itself showcases an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing visitors to explore the company's extensive portfolio effortlessly. From residential and commercial developments to heritage regeneration projects, the site provides a comprehensive overview of Rushbond's commitment to creating spaces that inspire and transform communities.

We’re pleased to say that Rushbond were delighted with their new and improved website.  While for us, our ongoing collaboration highlights our role as a strategic creative partner, ensuring that Rushbond's digital presence remains innovative and impactful in a dynamic and competitive market.