The Mann Island thrills continue…

An amazing collection of scenes depicting, in surreal fashion, the life you can expect to see from so many new angles as a resident of Mann Island.

Winning a vital pitch is one thing. Delivering the promises of your blood, sweat tears and late nights away from the family is another thing entirely. With the new Mann Island photo shoot it was time to put our money where our collective mouth was.

Photo shoots are strange beasts. They’re often the culmination of a mere spark in the brain, a few hastily scribbled scamps or a rationale that tries to put a thousand words into glorious technicolour. But however the shoot comes about, it simply must, without question, always, always follow through on the promises made to a client.

The architects were extremely careful to preserve certain views from many different angles around the area and we wanted to create marketing that would not only sympathise with this vision but also enhance it. That’s why it made sense to explore angles, compass points and taking different views on life. And it was the point where the overall strapline, ‘Life to a greater degree was born.’ With a nod to the great history of this proud area, it was soon after we conceived the names ‘Latitude’ and ‘Longitude’ for the two main buildings whilst naming the public area in the centre, ‘Equator’.

But what about turning the grounded ideas into something that packs a punch visually?

We can’t deny the whole team here at OnFire broke pained beads of sweat at the thought of putting our scamps of people in all kinds of unusual positions and angles into real life poses; the models, the lighting – not to mention the harnesses and the rigging. Oh, and the small matter of life insurance. But with a brave heart and bold ambitions, the shoot took place at the prestigious Palm Sugar Lounge, Liverpool and the apartments themselves at Mann Island.

We’re delighted with the final results - an amazing collection of scenes depicting, in surreal fashion, the life you can expect to see from so many new angles as a resident of Mann Island. Look out for our Mann Island residents living life to a greater degree in all brochure-ware and advertising soon.

Also, find out what more about what we have done here
and here

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