Centenary Square Retail sold on our work

With On Fire's proven track record of creating compelling brand story, their expertise will play a pivotal role in shaping the identity of Centenary Square's retail offerings.

Anyone who’s ever been to Leeds knows Centenary Square which is famous for its big events and lively atmosphere. We were therefore over the moon, when Rushbond PLC asked us to spearhead the creation of branding and collateral for its upcoming retail venture.

As part of this ambitious endeavour, we’re going to developing compelling branding and collateral that not only captures the essence of Centenary Square's rich heritage but also reflects its forward-looking vision.

Commenting on the collaboration, Jonathan Maud, CEO of Rushbond PLC, expressed confidence in our ability to deliver an impactful solution saying, "With On Fire's proven track record of creating compelling brand story, their expertise will play a pivotal role in shaping the identity of Centenary Square's retail offerings."

 So, it’s now over to us to translate Centenary Square Retail’s brand values into a captivating visual narrative.

"We‘re thrilled to partner once again with Rushbond PLC on this exciting venture," said Karl Lakin, Creative Director at On Fire. "Centenary Square represents an extraordinary opportunity to create a brand identity that celebrates the spirit of community and innovation."

As anticipation builds for the unveiling ofCentenary Square's new retail offerings, all eyes are on us. Luckily, we thrive under pressure and love a challenge. So, watch this retail space!

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